
Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7

It's time for our Sunday night Soprano's Open Thread. Tonight's episode:

Artie's business is jeopardized by a rival restaurant and staff scandal; Christopher and Little Carmine pursue a new venture out of town.

I hope it's as good as the past two weeks.

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  • Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Apr 23, 2006 at 07:35:53 PM EST
    John Ventimiglia finally gets an episode where he gets major camera time...after being chumped by his attractive Albanian hostess and her Mafioso boy-friend, Artie returns to his cooking "roots", re-discovers the creative process, and puts together a scratch meal for two late-comers. Frankly, the notion that the mob can use Artie's restaurant as a front for a credit-card scam surprised me, as I thought that Tony S. had ruled him out of bounds, after the burn-down of his last place. Christopher and his screen-writing gig are simply too tiresome, no legs, and better he should be taking care of bidness on his own patch, rather than jetting off to H'wood for personal gain. Why did the producers reckon that the show needed some Ben Kingsley/Lauren Bacall- playing-themselves diversion? Sort of a place-holder episode, with only the expected elimination of Rusty having any import. Looks as though the writers are stretching out the Vito Spatafore out-of-the-closet thingy, further developments held over until next week.

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#2)
    by Aaron on Sun Apr 23, 2006 at 07:47:42 PM EST
    I can't believe they punched Lauren Bacall, bastards! And I can't believe I heard Lauren Bacall use the F-word, what is the world coming to?

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#3)
    by roxtar on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 02:47:19 AM EST
    Spoiler warning... When I saw Lauren Bacall ("Betty? It's Ben!") I cringed in fear that this was, at long last, The Sopranos "jump the shark" moment. But I relaxed a little when Chris told her how wonderful she was in "The Haves and Have-Nots" (sic). And when Chris jacked her in the jaw and grabbed her swag, I relaxed, laughed out loud, and knew all was well. Who knew that seeing an elderly lady beaten and robbed could be so satisfying?

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 04:30:40 AM EST
    The rich robbin' the richest and givin' it to the richer. Welcome to bushworld.

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#5)
    by kdog on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 06:24:45 AM EST
    And when Chris jacked her in the jaw
    I don't think Chris jacked her...I think he outsourced the actual jacking to Murmur. And I thought Chris would go for the big score and jack all the celebrity schwag...not just one basket. Anybody else notice the family buying cc numbers from a Hasidic shop owner, then selling them to the Arabs. I found that interesting.

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 07:15:35 AM EST
    Profit knows no religious, racial, color or creed, my friend. Evidently, there is just as much honor among thieves as there is amongst the bush administration.

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 07:19:04 AM EST
    This was an episode full of juicy tidbits. Did everyone notice the reference to the twin towers?

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 07:57:31 AM EST
    Posted by Eric Blair April 23, 2006 08:35 PM
    John Ventimiglia finally gets an episode where he gets major camera time...after being chumped by his attractive Albanian hostess and her Mafioso boy-friend, Artie returns to his cooking "roots", re-discovers the creative process, and puts together a scratch meal for two late-comers. Frankly, the notion that the mob can use Artie's restaurant as a front for a credit-card scam surprised me, as I thought that Tony S. had ruled him out of bounds, after the burn-down of his last place. Christopher and his screen-writing gig are simply too tiresome, no legs, and better he should be taking care of bidness on his own patch, rather than jetting off to H'wood for personal gain. Why did the producers reckon that the show needed some Ben Kingsley/Lauren Bacall- playing-themselves diversion? Sort of a place-holder episode, with only the expected elimination of Rusty having any import. Looks as though the writers are stretching out the Vito Spatafore out-of-the-closet thingy, further developments held over until next week.
    Artie has always been a recurring character central to the storyline. The fact that the Am-ex stuff went down is a reflection on how things have slipped while he has been out of commission. His ongoing mid-life crisis and frustrations at his failure to get ahead while, in his mind, walking the straight and narrow are also good dramatic stuff and he is a pain in the tush the way he comes over to your table. There's an Italian Restaurant near me where the Chef's father did that until they put the brakes on it. A little goes a long way. As for Sir Ben and Betty, evidently, everyone wants to do at least a cameo on the Sopranos. Christopher's screenwriting thing is also a function of Tony's incapacitation as he said in no uncertain terms. That'll be nipped in the bud. Swag or no swag, it's time to get their collective focus back. Did anyone else notice how much Rusty's driveway looked like Clemenza's in the Godfather? It looked like the same driveway. A little face lift, but the same place. Uncanny.

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#9)
    by kdog on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 08:34:41 AM EST
    The coming attractions seem action packed....I think AJ is ready to work...and not at the video store.

    Re: Soprano's Open Thread: Show 7 (none / 0) (#10)
    by Jlvngstn on Mon Apr 24, 2006 at 10:06:42 AM EST
    Good show. I think the arc here is to demonstrate that Tony is back in charge and that this is about money and business and the family so to speak is not driven by anger and revenge. It was nice to see Artie on the winning side of a scrap for a change. I think all of the non murderous story lines this week was a primer for impending murders. Is it a capital offense to be gay, or more important that his kids are looked after? Vito will have to die based on the response by all the soldiers and Tony not sanctioning it makes him feel good. However, he will not punish whoever pulls the trigger so complicity again will surface its ugly head. I did not think the show added much to the current story arcs other than Tony is loyal, is king and is torn. It is too bad he is a sick killing criminal bastad, because aside from that, he could be a decent human being.