
House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC Bombing

As if we needed another wasteful Congressional investigation. California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Chair of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the International Relations Committee, announced yesterday a House panel will investigate whether there was a foreign connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Can we move on, please? This has been investigated to death, by the prosecution and two separate defense teams. If the House wants to search for foreign terrorists, why not concentrate on Osama?

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  • Oh goody, more Clinton bashing! We can't possibly blame GWB for failing to get OBL!

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#2)
    by Scrutinizer on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 06:53:25 AM EST
    Move on? Good Lord, TL, if we do that we'll move on to a debate of a flag burning amendment, then we'll have to investigate al-Qui'da involvement in the Waco Massacre (it was too a massacre, because Clinton did it, right?), then we'll investigate whether Saddam Hussein was involved in the Vince Foster killing, then we'll dredge up Gary Condit and Chandra Levy (so unfair that was buried in the rubble of 9/11(!) ). Let's not move on, let's get rid of these jokers in November.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#3)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 07:00:34 AM EST
    et al - Looks like you are shaking in your boots. ;-)

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#4)
    by Scrutinizer on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 07:16:32 AM EST
    PPJ- Shaking in my boots? Only by the thought of more money wasted by Republicans chasing shadows (Watergate, the supposed al-Qui'da connection to everything, "emergency" funding for a war of agreesion that's been going on for years, and was planned a year before that), but thanks for your concern.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#5)
    by Al on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 07:18:43 AM EST
    I can't wait to hear the explanation of how McVeigh was linked to Al Qaeda.

    It's not surprising that Rohrbacher would want to think McVeigh couldn't have masterminded the OKC bombing. After all, McVeigh's motivation for the bombing is nearly indistinguishable from Rohrbacher's political outlook.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#7)
    by Scrutinizer on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 07:36:34 AM EST
    kth- Now I have to clean the coffee off my monitor...

    Scrutinizer, If only that were a joke. Rohrbacher fought in Afghanistan right alongside Bin Laden 20 years ago. In late 1988, Rohrabacher went to Afganistan: After I left the White House and was elected to Congress, but before I was sworn into Congress, I knew I had that two months between November and January to do things that I could never do once I was elected to Congress. I chose to hike into Afghanistan as part of a small Mujahedin unit and to engage in a battle against the Russian and communist forces near and around the city of Jalalabad.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#9)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 08:11:45 AM EST
    Scrutinizer - Uh, see that little "smiley" do hickey ;-) ?? That means a jest has been made. You write:
    Only by the thought of more money wasted by Republicans chasing shadows (Watergate,
    Watergate was a "shadow?" Who knew? et al - Doesn't this give the Left another chance to prove that it was actually the minions of Right Wing Talk Radio, as so astutely and instantly identified by Clinton, who were being all of this?

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#10)
    by roger on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 09:59:06 AM EST
    Ernesto- Many backed the Taliban back then. Even according to your link, R broke with them over human rights abuses well before our government had any real problem with them. There are plenty of legit reasons not to like him.

    PPJ, not to sound like the she-pundit, but it's a few of the survivors of the victims who are behind it, a news reporter or two they've managed to convince, and possibly someone who is currently very lonely in his Supermax cell who is persuading them he has new information so he can get a little attention.

    Al, don't worry, they'll find a way to make a crazy connection, probably through the Philippines. Terry Nichols wife was from the Philippines and he traveled there. Only as I said in the original post, the prosecution and two defense teams, with the oversight of a federal judge, explored this and related foreign issues top to bottom back in 1996 - 1997. I doubt there will be anything new. My point is that it's a waste of federal resources to open another investigation after three hugely expensive trials (two federal, one state.) It's time to move on.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#13)
    by Scrutinizer on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 10:22:09 AM EST
    PPJ- Watergate, Whitewater, tomato, tomahto--- But thanks for the correction. Watergate was a scndal in which a Republican president actively participated in the coverup of a break in orchestrated by Republican operatives of the Committee to Reelect the President, for which the Republican President was forced to resign before impeachment and conviction. Whitewater was a $40 million, four year boondoggle which led to nothing much in the end but a story about a few blowjobs, an impeachment in a House of Representatives that was led by a Republican majority some of whose leaders themselves resigned due to contemporaneous sex scandals, and a "trial" in the Senate that was never treated seriously and was over before it began. Thanks for straightening me out!

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#14)
    by Scrutinizer on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 10:25:08 AM EST
    Scrutinizer - Uh, see that little "smiley" do hickey ;-) ?? That means a jest has been made.
    Gee, I thought all your posts were meant to be amusing!

    Let's see, what will they possibly find? Oh, I got it... News Flash: OKC was an Iranian terrorist plot, totally ignored by president Clinton. Wouldn't that be perfect? Just in time for the November elections and just in time for the let's bomb Iran campaign in order to make a bunch of yellow Republicans appear to be tough. No matter who they kill, the point is just to look tough. It's a uphill battle when you spend so much time on the bottom of a gay prostitute, excuse me I mean journalist, you have to do something really out of this world to make yourself look tough.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#16)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 11:07:02 AM EST
    The Govt has alleviated any further investigation into this matter by killing the only person who might help shed more light. No going back now. McVeigh is dead. Case closed. That's how Amerika works. No man, no problem. We have become the Soviets.

    Replace "Oklahoma City" with "lied about intelligence".

    Many backed the Taliban back then. Even according to your link, R broke with them over human rights abuses well before our government had any real problem with them.
    The Afghan mujahadeen were well known for their human rights abuses (and their fervent hatred of the U.S.) in 1988, when Mr. Rohrbacher was partying alongside them. This is a legitimate reason for not only questioning his "youthful exuberiance" in 1988, but also his motivations in 2006.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#19)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 01:42:29 PM EST
    Scrutinizer - Glad you like'em. Always nice to have a fan. And thanks for telling us about Whitewater and Watergate. I'm sure no one had heard about them before. Some of your information is a little off, but hey, who is into accuracy now days?

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#20)
    by Scrutinizer on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 03:45:52 PM EST
    PPJ- I'll always be a fan of yours. Your posts are truly incredible. As for accuracy, hey, I could have been more specific, but then I would have been accused of bashing the Republicans and their Mighty Wurlitzer, so I took it easy on them.

    Re: House to Investigate Foreign Connection to OKC (none / 0) (#21)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Jun 10, 2006 at 09:38:15 PM EST
    Seutinizer writes:
    As for accuracy, hey, I could have been more specific, but then I would have been accused of bashing the Republicans and their Mighty Wurlitzer, so I took it easy on them
    Uh, this is TalkLeft, dude. I think you can pretty well fire away.... If you're capable.