
DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records

Tom DeLay may have won the primary Tuesday, but his main battle is still in the Texas criminal courts:

Prosecutors pursuing conspiracy and money laundering charges against Rep. Tom DeLay on Wednesday sought campaign finance documents from a decade-old congressional campaign in East Texas. The subpoena requests documents that name contributions from businessman Peter F. Cloeren, who pleaded guilty to directing illegal corporate money into Republican Brian Babin's 1996 campaign for Congress.

In an affidavit signed in 1998, Cloeren said DeLay urged him to evade campaign finance laws and funnel more money than legally allowed into the Babin campaign. DeLay denied the accusation.

One thing DeLay must be coming to grips with is that when the government decides to bring its awesome power down on you, no matter how much money you have to fund your defense, they always have the edge. If anyone can beat the Government, I believe it's Dick DeGuerin, but at some point, all those other politicians and businessmen who did business with him and his staffers are going to "tell the government's truth" if the alternative is an indictment or a longer jail sentence for themselves.

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  • Re: DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 06:31:58 AM EST
    One thing DeLay must be coming to grips with is that when the government decides to bring its awesome power down on you, no matter how much money you have to fund your defense, they always have the edge. Tell that to O.J. Simpson. I believe he proved otherwise. It sounds to me like the Delay prosecutors are admitting they don't have the case they claimed to when they filed the charges. Which is not to say that Delay is not guilty, only that it's looking more likely that he will get off, not less likely.

    Re: DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 11:32:42 PM EST
    Which gives us two more things you'd be mistaken about. Garcetti had Clark and Darden and their team on a budget of between 9-10 million bucks while the Dream Team came in under Five million if memory serves, so you can kiss that myth goodbye. It was roughly a 2-1 ratio whatever the exact figures were. As for Delay, he's so slimy, more comes out over time and who knows what abramoff has been singin' about lately. Something may have been better served if charged in Texas. The lengths that you guys will go to automatically defend shrub or all things republican and attack all things democratic never ceases to amaze and amuse. Always a pleasure.

    Re: DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 06:22:27 AM EST
    Which gives us two more things you'd be mistaken about. Garcetti had Clark and Darden and their team on a budget of between 9-10 million bucks while the Dream Team came in under Five million if memory serves, so you can kiss that myth goodbye. It was roughly a 2-1 ratio whatever the exact figures were. More of the usual BS from the TL village idiot. Maybe you should try reading the posts before commenting on them Charlie, assuming you can in fact read beyond the level your average comment indicates. The claim was that Delay may find out that no amount of money will allow him to evade "justice" if the government decides to come down on him. The O.J. Simpson case indicates otherwise. The LA District Attorneys made every effort to nail him, but money, in the form of a high-priced defense team, did in fact get him off. The lengths that you guys will go to automatically defend shrub or all things republican and attack all things democratic never ceases to amaze and amuse. Once again proving that you have no idea what you are even talking about. There was no mention of "shrub" or "bush" or Republicans, or Democrats in my comment. You simply tagged that on as yet another lame excuse to rant and insult, which is all you have anymore. Are you truly incapable of telling the truth, Charlie, or do you just prefer to lie all the time? Are you even capable of seeing how this limits any interest in your comments to a mere question of what your are foamin at the mouth about today. You're dismissed now Charlie. Run along and whine about something else.

    Re: DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 07:09:37 AM EST
    Nice try, just predictable. That certainly was easy enough. Take one step backward. Look around you. Take note of your surroundings. Take note of the name of this web site. Yes. That's right. Take note of the format. Issue. Supporting Docs and articles. Notice how unfreeperlike it is. Yes, I read the articles. Just like all the other times, I do not find them compelling. I certainly don't find your position persuasive in the least. This ridiculous notion of yours that you start from a position where you should be extended the benefit of the doubt is utterly absurd. For example: The claim was that Delay may find out that no amount of money will allow him to evade "justice" if the government decides to come down on him. The O.J. Simpson case indicates otherwise. The LA District Attorneys made every effort to nail him, but money, in the form of a high-priced defense team, did in fact get him off. Huh! What! So, what you're saying is that a 10 million dollar defense team effort can only be guaranteed to convict someone if he's defended by some green, wet-behind-the-ears PD fresh outta Law School who just got the file five minutes ago and has never tried a murder case before. You're one of those "Everyone should have the appearance of a fair trial" kinda guys. That about sum it up? Delay's deeds are catchin' up with him. The rats are desertin' the ship in Texas just like they're deserting the ship in DC. That's hardly a shock. It's only gonna get worse for your boys as they get closer to the election. The reptiles have never been known as a very principled lot. Always a pleasure.

    Re: DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records (none / 0) (#5)
    by swingvote on Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 07:52:27 AM EST
    Blah blah blah, Charlie. That's all you're ver good for. You attack people without bothering to readf their comments, you only read thw actual posts when challenged to do so, usually after you've made a complete ass of yourself by posting comments that are wildly off target, and, like so many rabid liberals you continue to preen about how intelligent and gifted you are. You're dismissed now, Charlie. Come back when you have an actual comment to make on what has been said, not random ramblings that are either obvious to a flea (hence your understanding them) or outright lies. No more troll food for you, wangnut.

    Re: DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 08:10:28 AM EST
    Like I said, I never tire of our time spent together. I learn so little but I laugh so much. Always a pleasure.