
President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment

As expected, President Bush has appointed John Bolton Ambassador to the U.N. using his recess power of appointment. Here's some initial reaction (received by e-mail):

Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid:

(WASHINGTON, DC) “At a time when we need to reassert our diplomatic power in the world, President Bush has decided to send a seriously flawed and weakened candidate to the United Nations. It’s an unnecessary result, and the latest abuse of power by the Bush White House.

“The reason Bolton is being recess appointed is because the President chose to stonewall the Senate. Mr. Bolton could have had his up or down vote had President Bush given Senators the information they needed. Instead, Bolton arrives at the United Nations with a cloud hanging over his head.”

Sen. Russ Feingold:

"....Mr. Bolton is fundamentally unsuited for the job, and his record reveals a truly disturbing intolerance of dissent. Mr. Bolton did not win the support of a majority of members of the Foreign Relations Committee, and the Senate refused to make a final decision on this nomination pending review of documents that the Administration declined to provide in blatant disregard for the Senate’s constitutional rights and responsibilities. But despite all of the warning signs and all of the red flags, the President has taken this extraordinary step to send a polarizing figure with tattered credibility to represent us at the United Nations. At a time when we need to be doing our very best to mend frayed relationships, encourage real burden-sharing, and nurture a rock-solid international coalition to fight terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the American people deserve better than John Bolton.

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  • "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier...just as long as I'm the dictator..."

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#2)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:48 PM EST
    Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid:
    Wishful thinking? ;-) I'm for anyone who will shake up the UN. Bolton fits that profile.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#3)
    by desertswine on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:48 PM EST
    Bolton, in this case, is Bush's middle finger.

    Statement by Russ Feingold:
    August 1, 2005 I am disappointed in the President's decision to bypass the Senate and use a recess appointment to make John Bolton the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Mr. Bolton is fundamentally unsuited for the job, and his record reveals a truly disturbing intolerance of dissent. Mr. Bolton did not win the support of a majority of members of the Foreign Relations Committee, and the Senate refused to make a final decision on this nomination pending review of documents that the Administration declined to provide in blatant disregard for the Senate's constitutional rights and responsibilities. But despite all of the warning signs and all of the red flags, the President has taken this extraordinary step to send a polarizing figure with tattered credibility to represent us at the United Nations. At a time when we need to be doing our very best to mend frayed relationships, encourage real burden-sharing, and nurture a rock-solid international coalition to fight terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the American people deserve better than John Bolton.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#5)
    by ras on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:48 PM EST
    PPJ, I guess the words "Leader" and "Wannabe" have become interchangeable in some political groups. Easy to see why. Good to see the filibuster fail, tho. Someone needs to tell the Dems that you can't just hold the votes you know you'll win.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#6)
    by MikeDitto on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:48 PM EST
    Ras, that's not what happened.
    We are not filibustering. This is not about whether we will vote on Mr. Bolton’s nomination. The Senator from Connecticut and I and others have said, we are ready to vote on Mr. Bolton’s nomination, if you give us information that we have requested and are entitled to in assessing whether Mr. Bolton should go to the U.N. representing the United States of America.
    Biden Senate floor speech, 5-26-2005 They were more than happy to allow the vote to go to the floor if the White House just turned over the ten requested documents.

    Perfect guy to represent the Bushies...and the perfect way to put him in there to represent this administration. Guess they got tired of waiting for another 9/11, which is the only way Negroponte got confirmed without rehashing his death squad background. ras, if you like fascism so much why don't you move to the U.S.?

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#8)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:48 PM EST
    desertswine - And I hope it is extended toward UN headquarters. Michael - The Demos were obviously playing games, and the game was filibuster by delay. Bolton would not have been a lifetime appointment. All the Demos had to was beat the Repubs in '08 and appoint who they please. Now, of course, if they do win, we can expect the Repubs to strike back. Politics by obstruction doesn't get my vote, and of many others.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#9)
    by aahpat on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    Bolton is Bush's latest turd. I think its great that Bush made this recess appointment. Every time Bush circumvents congressional input he lays a massive turd. No one in Washington other than George W. Bush is responsible for Bolton's future stupid acts in the U.N. By the time Bolton gets done with the U.N. the U.N. will be working overtime to diminish U.S. power and control in the organization like never before. When Bush ran an attack operation on Annan the U.N. response was to start talking about expanding the Security Council to diminish American control and power. By the time Bolton gets done the U.S. will be paying the entire U.N. budget while being reduced to a conditional maybe even a non voting roll in the SC. And it will be entirely on Bush. He won't be able to blame congress since he adamantly refused to accept their advice.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#10)
    by jarober on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    Are Democrats vowing to not use recess appointments in the future then? or is this just typical bloviating? The minority could have allowed a vote at any time - the reason they didn't is that they knew darn well that a majority would have voted for him.

    FOR SHAME. With this appointment, George Bush has ignored the advice of his own party as well as the Democrats, and sent an unqualified man to the U.N. to represent the U.S. (and give the middle finger to the rest of the world). This is a question of REFUSING basic information to the Congress which is Constitutionally required to evaluate Presidential appointments. This is NOT a question of an 'up or down vote.' Bolton's records were supposed to be given to the Congress considering his appointment, and Bush refused them access.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#13)
    by jarober on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    MS: "This is a question of REFUSING basic information to the Congress which is Constitutionally required to evaluate Presidential appointments. This is NOT a question of an 'up or down vote.'" So, I expect that under the next Democratic President, all executive branch papers from the Judicial Department will be handed over to the Senate upon request?

    Once again, Feingold misstates the issue (as he has on Iraq): "his record reveals a truly disturbing intolerance of dissent." Well, yes he does. But more than an intolerance of dissent, Bolton represents CONSPIRACY. He represents an opposition to democracy. Dissent, in the case of a coup, is ignored. There is no effort to represent the whole people, because the whole people would not EVER assent to giving up their democracy so that LIARS AND WAR CRIMINALS can dictate the future. When Mussolini was killed, his body was hung up by his foot in the town square. These bastards deserve no less.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#15)
    by ras on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    Paul in LA, Get a grip. The Dems tried to filibuster by stalling. It failed, and you're furious. Not directly furious at Bush, nor at at Bolton; they're just convenient excuses for your rage. You're furious at being politically impotent, losing again and again; it'd wear anyone down. But guess what? Attitudes like yours are why. Change to a reasonable discourse and you might see your fortunes improve after that. But not before.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#16)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    Couldn't wait another month? It stinks like last week's garbage. This is not the original intention of the use of the recess appointment.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#17)
    by ras on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    Actually, Che, Bush's recess appointment of Bolton is very much in line w/the intent of recess appointments in general, which was to let the pres make an appointment during those time when the Senate could not get together to vote. Since the Senate is unable to get together to vote - I'll be polite and not belabor the reason why - a recess appointment is perfectly suited. You can't cancel a vote just cuz you're scared you'll lose. And disingenuous claims that it's for reasons of "documentation" don't change that, either. It's gonna be a long time before the the Left wins power again, probably never, so I expect we'll see more statements like Paul's above, calling for violence instead. It sounds like the cry of those who know they cannot win with the ballot. Don't you agree?

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#18)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    aahpat writes:
    By the time Bolton gets done the U.S. will be paying the entire U.N. budget while being reduced to a conditional maybe even a non voting roll in the SC.
    Hmmm, nice rant. Somehow it appears that you think we have to do what the UN says. Taint so. DA - So? Bush won. Bush wants Bolton. Bush should have Bolton because we are speaking of foreign policy here, and that's part of the Executive. You want a UN loving dude for Ambassador , elect a UN loving President. Et al - Recess appointments are neither new nor unusual. Clinton did around 170, GHWB did around 140, Carter did 68, Reagan did over 200, and the beat goes on...

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#19)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    some on this site have always lobbied for the destruction of the UN, PNAC and bushco agree. Appointing bolton is just their way of doing so. Like appointing a rnc chair who never watches PBS to the CPB. Like appointing an energy exec to the EPA, like appointing a torturer to the DOJ. Anyone else see a trend?

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#20)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:49 PM EST
    yes definate pattern of destabelization..., not to mention a Syrian 'we cried for a commie' civil war, Iraqi 'poor planning' civil war, Iranian 'yet to be' civil war, Saudi 'hold your breath' civil war, not to mention ex soviet sattelites. War, and criminalization (jail) is very profitable for some.

    Posted by ras: "The Dems tried to filibuster by stalling. It failed, and you're furious." You're deluded. I didn't mention any of that, and my fury is a direct result of Bush's TREASON. I am not one of the people wringing my hands about fillibuster either way. A bit more interested in the welfare of the 40,000 soldiers Bush has injured or killed. "Not directly furious at Bush, nor at at Bolton; they're just convenient excuses for your rage." Wrong again. DIRECTLY furious at Bush, as instructed by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Boy Scout Pledge, and the education I received. "You're furious at being politically impotent, losing again and again;" We didn't lose in 2000, and we didn't lose in 2004. We didn't lose in 1996, and we didn't lose in 1992. Bushco is stealing elections, and it is a PERMANENT stain on your claim to be an American that you cover for him. If you had the votes, you wouldn't NEED recess appointments. If you had the truth on your side, you wouldn't need to lie at every turn. It's pathetic, if not so evil.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#22)
    by ras on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:50 PM EST
    Paul In LA, Bushco is stealing elections, and it is a PERMANENT stain on your claim to be an American that you cover for him. Whoo! You're a piece o' work, aren't you? Very well, then: I hereby renounce all my claims to American citizenship and resolve to live in Canada instead, where the wild bodychecks can still roam free. But at least I'll still be in the Americas, eh? Thank you Mr. Vespucci, for all that you did.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#23)
    by ras on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:50 PM EST
    Paul in LA, We didn't lose in 2000, and we didn't lose in 2004. So ... you're a Republican, then?

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#25)
    by Aaron on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:50 PM EST
    I called this one, John Bolton's inevitable recess appointment at the hands of the undissuadable George Dubya. Bolton stars as the international Man of mystery, enlisted to protect us from the malevolent forces of the UN, Costarring Kofi anon as Dr. evil. Yeah baby!

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#26)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:50 PM EST
    DA - Twadle is as tawdle does. I say again. Win a Presidential election and you can do much. And when the appointment runs out, Bush can re-nominate him. sailor – I don’t think I have lobbied, but I have suggested that the UN should be broken apart and put back together. It is of no use in its current form.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#28)
    by swingvote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:50 PM EST
    These threads just go round and round, with the same content and the same arguments being regurgitated ad nauseum (or add nauseous as it may be). Let's assume that everything those who oppose this recess appointment are saying is true; so what? Will you oppose Hillary Clinton making recess appointments when she is President? Will you expect her to wait 4+ years to fill judgeships because 40 Republican Senators oppose her nominees and demand ever increasing amounts of information on them? Will you demand that every scrap of paper and every e-mail memo a liberal nominee has ever been linked to be coughed up so that Trent Lott can review it on the Sunday morning talk shows? Will you agree that every one of her judicial nominees should be put through a conservative litmus test and forced to answer questions on how they would rule on numerous hypothetical questions about possible future cases? Will you support the Republicans in their refusal to confirm a nominee who is alleged to have been mean to a former staffer? Or will you, like Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer, and company, flip your position on every one of these 180 degrees and claim that all of this is just plain wrong? Winning a presidential election isn't going to be enough; nor is winning back control of the Senate. You will need to win a minimum of 61 seats in the Senate (which is damn near impossible given the jerrymandered voting districts) to do anything in the political system you have helped create. Don't kid yourself into thinking that no one will notice or care when you suddenly reverse course again. That thinking is what got you to where you are now. The President has the power to make recess appointments to fill needed positions when the Senate cannot hold a vote. The Senate has shown it cannot hold a vote, and the U.N. position is too important to leave empty any longer. We'll survive John Bolton, just as we survived Madaleine Albright; he may even turn out better than you think. Let's just be glad it was a recess appointment, which expires in January 2007, rather than his being named as "acting U.S. Ambassador to the U.N." (a la Bill Clinton's questionable practice), which would put him there through 2008.

    Justpaul, pouring out the idiocy that this is just politics. In 'just politics,' wars are not called for the profit of private corporations tied directly to the Executive, over lies told to the American people and their Congress. In 'just politics,' voters are not forced to stand in line for 8-20 hours because they are Democrats. In 'just politics,' civil rights are not abrogated by midnight bills that no one is given time to read. After Bush hangs by his foot in the townsquare, we can talk about 'just politics.' Until that time, it is just TREASON.

    Right, ras, you're a Canadian, so you don't have any necessary commitment to democracy and legal voting. So it's not a stain on your US citizenship -- it's a stain on your humanity.

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#31)
    by ras on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:51 PM EST
    Paul in LA, Being Canadian means I have no commitment to democracy and is also a stain on my humanity? Yeah, whatever. Do you even know where Canada is? Seriously. I mean, wow man, some people pretend to foam at the mouth, for effect. But you ain't pretending, are you?

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#32)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:51 PM EST
    Uhh, ras, you come from a country that still has royalty on their money. Please don't lecture americans about democracy, ehhh? Bolton is a lame duck appointed by a lame duck. Has anyone ever heard of a UN Ambassador being booed on their first day?

    Re: President Makes John Bolton Recess Appointment (none / 0) (#33)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:51 PM EST
    DA - If we still have the Demos dragging their feet, just recess appoint him again. Nothing says Bush can't. And btw - winning a Presidental election got Bolton appointed, didn't it? ;-)