
Blakely and Booker Articles and Advice

Law review articles about the Supreme Court's Blakely and Booker decisions are sprouting like wildfire. Law Prof Doug Berman at Sentencing Law and Policy has a roundup.

But, there's also good advice out there for practitioners and clients. Federal post-conviction expert Alan Ellis has just published this guide (pdf), which we agreed to host on TalkLeft.

NACDL has a new article today, Booker Advisory: Into The Breyer Patch, available free to all.

There are also seminars around the country. TChris, our contributing blogger, who was counsel for Booker and who argued the case in the Supreme Court, is on the road a lot these days, speaking at CLE seminars and providing tactical advice. The AFDA is held this seminar in Los Angeles last week. Check out the agenda portion at the bottom for a good description of what's at stake.

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